First, apologies for recycling a recent effort, but I couldn't think of anything else ... guess I'm still processing it all and halfheartedly attempting to reach stage 5/acceptance on the grief scale. Krugman and Roy Edroso both have solid advice for not just the holiday gatherings but the next (hopefully only) four years... and the only other thing I could think by way of Photoshop seemed to be in a sort of poor taste I can't defend, even if considered with the best intentions.
If you're wondering, I was thinking some variant of a pelt or trophy Wildebeest/Hildebeest, since all the various forces finally managed, deservedly or not, to extract their pound of Clinton flesh/harpoon their white whale/bag their prize. An odd consortium ranging from Villagers who forever thought of the Clintons as -- out of their proper place in DC high society? -- to the various wingnut factions looking to, well, stick it to the bitch (paraphrasing Newt Gingrich's mother -- video link).
Sorry to digress...but what's done is done, the people have spoken, kind of...and funny how that goes: Obama gets an actual majority in 2008 and 2012, but must govern carefully and considerately, Trump comes in a la Bush Junior with a bare electoral majority and, ahem, not even a plurality of actual votes ... but already I've heard at least one reference to mandate, and I'm pretty sure that was on librul NPR (if I recall, it was Eddie Munster doppelganger Paul Ryan who said it).
So, the media arc is beginning, and just to play seer for a moment, here's my .0000002 cents worth on where I believe it leads for at least the near term -- mandate or not, Trump enters office horribly unqualified to do much of anything besides photo-ops. Maybe he defers to Pence (gag) and/or Congress...regardless, without anything approaching a defined policy...
So of course in lieu of the dog ate Don's homework, we'll hear about how REALLY horrible the mess was/is, for which (of course) blame lies with Obama and librulism...I don't even want to think about military and/or foreign policy, but as things go sour economically, we'll continue to hear it's the fault of the left, and, similar to the Kansas experiment that's an ongoing exercise in how long the voting public will tolerate shit sandwiches (long enough in Kansas to RE-elect Brownback...sigh), it'll continue to be anyone else's fault except theirs. There might be some minor modifications to trade deals -- emphasis on might -- but the red meat that gets tossed to the Trump constituency will be full of good old fashioned tribalism and hate.
Goddamn...it's going to be a long four years.
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