Thursday, January 08, 2004

Colin Powell--Glam Wonk

Might have to wait until tomorrow for the follow up on Social Security, but I couldn't get over the Ted & Colin After Dark Nightline report Wednesday eve. I've held Koppel in a special state of contempt for some time, given his snooty, high-brow approach to the profession of journalist--while he simultaneously (ok, while he, on occasion) has the gall to headline these ridiculous "town meetings." Between that and the almost faux British accent (Ted was born a Brit--don't know when he actually hit these shores, nor do I know what his working status is--green carded alien or blue blooded Yank). But I do know that with my cable tv package limiting my news access to the networks, PBS, WGN--ok, that was a joke--and CSPAN, Koppel is a regular part of my viewing diet.

Last night it was Colin Powell's turn to justify the Iraq war, although, curiously enough, as I noted immediately below, Ted began the show by distinguishing Powell's "soft line" with Richard Perle's "hard line" approach. Never mind that Perle seems more and more to be several dozen bricks shy of a full load--apparently being stark crazy is no impediment to writing Wall Street Journal editorials, indeed, it might be a prerequisite.

That's my point posted below: Perle and the neo-cons don't merely want to express a point of view that is dangerously fascistic, they also wish to delineate the limits of real debate. Hence, a highly critical piece on the Secretary of State. Colin the softie. In other words, within Washington, the debate runs the gamut from moderate to conservative Rethuglican to downright lunatic Rethug. Freedom is a messy thing indeed.

In this corner, Colin "The Commander" Powell and his tag team partner, CIA! And in the other corner, the neo-cons at defense.

Hearing one of Powell's initial answers to a question Koppel posed immediately registered on my bullshit detector--Colin snarkily brought out the toolbox metaphor--you see, the US has many tools in the box--Gallant, aka Ghadaffi, a "good" boy, gets economic sanctions lifted, while Goofus, aka Saddam, gets an invasion and a hole in the ground. That said, what Powell couldn't weasel his way out of were inquiries regarding--WMD.

Bet they wish they'd never brought that up, because I think the only folks who truly believe that Weapons of Mass Destruction existed in the Iraqi arsenal think that Saddam got them from space aliens on the mother ship. I think Colin himself is aware of how foolish he looks, even as he torturously attempts to reconcile logic and grammar. To wit:

"[Saddam had] a re-intention of obtaining weapons of mass destruction." Sounds like he's spending too much time with Dubya, and has picked up on his habit of inventing words.

"What they had in inventory was something we had to--uh--analyze." In other words: we were guessing.

"Our estimates were 'consistent' with the United Nations' estimates. I presented a 'balanced' case [in February 2003], but in a way that would prove my case." Meaning: I read the script with some degree of passion.

[There was] a lack of accounting. We didn't KNOW what happened to [chemicals in Saddam's arsenal]." We took absense of accounting as evidence of existence.

"We didn't go overboard on [our] nuclear [claims]." If you believe this, you'll believe anything.

And, my personal favorite: "[Our position is that Saddam, if left unchecked, would continue to] develop even more...uh..with respect to weapons of mass destruction."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Develop with respect to weapons of mass destruction--hell, I could develop with respect to weapons of mass destruction--you see, I'll get older and WMD will probably get more deadly. By the way, via Atrios, the Talent Show links to genuine pictures--try not to laugh--that supposedly 'prove' Saddam's intent to develop--well, they aren't weapons of mass destruction, although they are missiles that would have extended beyond the allowed UN range. But take a look--and then scroll down to see Greg's response, which is about right. Using this evidence, almost any male child and certainly some female children older than about age ten are producing "banned" weapons.

But that's a little off topic--I meant to take this post to slam Ted and Colin. To be honest, Ted gets off easy today--about all I'll note is that he was so goddamn smug, offering his concerns (Powell recently recovered from prostate surgery, I believe), while smarmily engaging in beltway gossip, i.e., "You know you're important in this town when somebody is sniping at you--likewise you know you're NO longer important when everyone wishes you well." What if no one gives a shit, Ted? But, of course, for those of us off the radar screen--well, we're in flyover country anyway...

My final thought after watching this: Nightline, for all it's production values, is still pretty pathetic from an aesthetic point of view. But bad TV is perfect from Big Media's point of view. New York, and Los Angeles, must entertain, while Washington merely has to educate as to power's point of view. Why waste the money? Especially when the cast--a tired collection of aging journalists and politicans--are essentially "B" grade actors anyway...

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