Sunday, May 16, 2004

My .0002 Cents Worth

Regular posting will resume tomorrow, but this weekend involves some personal business for me. The short version: I might be on the way to home ownership, and need to retrieve some records...and there was also the matter of catching up with another good friend who came into town for a visit.

That said, my reaction to The New Yorker's latest on Abu Ghraib is roughly the same as anyone else: I'm disgusted, but not all that surprised. There is nothing so low that the Bush Administration won't give it a try, and the thuggery evident in their actions reflects a profound contempt for everything this country has ostensibly stood for--and yes, emphasis on ostensibly. I'm not so naiive to believe that we are the shining city on the hill, although at the same time I agree with Chomsky when he notes that, indeed, we do have a lot of freedom within the country. Overseas, however, we play a different game.

Ah, I'd like to go on, but I really need to get back to other stuff here. I'll be back either later tonight or on Monday--and, I'll be adding some sites to my link list--thank's 2million to those who've added me recently, and sorry I've been a little lazy on the flip side.

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