Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Better Late than...Nevermind

The New York Times and others are reporting that the information that caused Tom Ridge to breathlessly raise the terror code (in limited areas only) was--ahem--several years old.

The spinners in the Bush administration are pulling out all the stops to justify the timing, but the fact is that they're engaging in one of the oldest tactics in the book: the big lie. Rinse and repeat.

In that light, check this Esquire article out. Written by Ron Reagan, Jr., it follows up on his NPR interview a couple of weeks back, and reads much better than his stem-cell speech at the Democratic convention. In summary, Reagan makes the point that Bush is simply unqualified to hold the office.

And consider that few if any of the established media outlets are reporting that any number of non-evangelical conservatives are either not voting or casting a ballot for Kerry this fall. They see what sort of disaster awaits the country should it take the Bush path, which is a combination of irresponsible fiscal policies and lunatic wars. Business Week has an article that spells it out: the coming years will find the country in tough times thanks to the "charge it and forget it" philosophy of Team Bush.

(Both the Reagan and Business Week links are from Bad Attitudes).

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