Wednesday, August 04, 2004

We Regret to Inform You, George W. Bush, that...

Green Boy at Needlenose passes along an email "circulating around": The Outsourcing of the Presidency.

Gregory Mankiw would be proud.

Washington DC - Congress today announced that the Office of President of the United States will be outsourced to overseas interests as of June30th, the end of this fiscal year. The move is being made to save $400K a year in salary, a record $521 Billion in deficit expenditures and related overhead. "The cost savings will be quite significant" says Congressman Adam Smith (D -Wash) who, with the aid of the GAO (theGeneral Accounting Office) has studied outsourcing of American jobs extensively...

Mr. Bush was informed by email this morning of the termination of his position. He will receive health coverage, expenses and salary until hisfinal day of employment. After that, with a two week waiting period, he will then be eligible for $240 dollars a week from unemployment insurance for 13 weeks...

Sanji Gurvinder Singh of Indus Teleservices, Mumbai, India will be assuming the Office of President of the United States as of July 1. Mr. Singh was born in the United States while his parents were here on student visas, thus making him eligible for the position. He will receive a salary of $320 (USD) a month but with no health coverage or other benefits. Due tothe time difference between the US and India, Mr. Singh will be working primarily at night, when offices of the US Government will be open"I am excited to serve in this position," Mr. Singh stated in an exclusive interview. "Working nights will let me keep my day job at theAmerican Express call center. I always knew I could be President someday!"

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