Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Via TalkLeft, here's one of the latest Kerry ads to hit the airwaves--and it hits hard at George W. Bush's flip-flops on Iraq.

Like this analysis piece in the San Francisco Chronicle, it takes aim at the rationale-of-the-month approach Bush has taken in regards to the necessity of invasion, immediate invasion, immediate invasion IMMEDIATELY and damn the UN, damn our allies, etc. etc. (Chronicle piece courtesy of The Left Coaster). In fact, the Bush administration has given over TWENTY different reasons when asked why they were so anxious to invade. It seems like every week or so there was a "new and improved" reason for the invasion--except that none have held up.

There were lies about WMD's. The liberation of the Iraqi people seems a little odd as well, considering that the resistance is mostly comprised of Iraqis (the vast majority of Iraqi citizens AREN'T in the active resistance, but they agree that the US should get out), there's the Abu Ghraib debacle (and similar incidents at other prisons) which at once manages to be vicious, evil, AND stupid, they lied about Hussein's ties to Al Qaeda--check out the link above for the complete list. It's a war in search of a reason--which makes for a pretty flimsy case FOR war.

And the war itself is hopelessly botched--I've posted before about this (somewhere deep in the archives--hell, even I don't feel like searching around). We had too few soldiers on the ground to begin with, we had no understanding or insight as to local leaders, customs, or laws, it looks like we had a bad shortage of translators, and now we can't even spend money earmarked for reconstruction because the security situation is so poor. To top it all off, a thousand plus soldiers have been killed AND we've spent almost $140 billion dollars thus far, with NOTHING to show but chaos and concrete walls.

The only thing Bush has been steadfast about is his foolish decision to invade in the first place. Yes, he insists, he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Well, that's easy for him to say under the circumstances. I'll bet he'd be whistling a different tune of he was threatened with a call-up to finish his National Guard committment.

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