Thursday, October 07, 2004

Cheney Asserts Forcefully: War IS Peace

The vice president's response to the Duelfer report is an apt summation of the administration to date--no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and no means to manufacture them, morphs into "we must invade and invade right now."

Having moved the goalposts right out of the stadium, the new reason for invasion, dutifully reported by sheep posing as the national press corps, is "Saddam wanted to end the sanctions."

I can't think that provides much comfort to the dead and wounded--on both sides of this ridiculous war. Underscoring the point that Iraq might as well be Arabic for chaos, another explosion rocked Baghdad today--this time a major hotel was the target.

Oh, and in case anyone missed it, last night's Nightline had a report on Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI: estimates suggest that more than half of the wounded US Troops suffer from this to some degree. Symptoms can range from irritability to complete loss of almost all upper brain function.

When will the warmongers understand that the reason war is a last resort is precisely because of the short and long term damage it causes individuals, their family (and, in the case of Iraq, the very places where they live--our operations in Najaf, Fallujah, Samarra, and Baghdad are turning large areas into rubble)? One has to assume that they simply do not or will not face the consequences of modern warfare.

Instead, they'll lap up Cheney's insane assertion. Hell, at this point, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Bush Cheney rallies we're full of people chanting "Four More Years," followed by "Ignorance is Strength," "Lies are Truth," "Freedom is Slavery."

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