Thursday, October 14, 2004

Impressionism About Surrealism

Sorry again to be a little late out of the gate today--once again, things got a bit busy around here.

I managed to at least catch all but the very beginning of the debate last night, first listening on the radio while driving home, then hustling up the stairs to catch the rest on TV. It looks like I didn't miss much, except the very first question when Bush denied having no interest in capturing Osama bin Laden.

In my mind, Kerry wins by not losing.

Since I'm sure most folks stopping by have been catching up with all the spin, I'll only note a few things in passing: Atrios linked over to a DailyKos open thread that discusses something just a little odd: Bush apparently asked Kerry to meet with him following the debate--two people who claim lip reading capabilities (one of whom is deaf) offer what they believe they saw the candidates say. Hmm.

I don't think Kerry's comment about Cheney's daughter will hurt him at all--it wasn't done in any mean-spirited way, and it was to the point--the question, after all, was about gays and lesbians and whether each candidate considered it a "lifestyle choice" or not. James Wolcott has some good things to say about that.

The Rude Pundit is doing his best to concentrate on the debate, and not on the sexual harrassment lawsuit against Bill O'Reilly. I'm looking forward to both posts.

This news can't help Bush at all: Two suicide bombers killed five people and injured eighteen INSIDE the Green Zone--if it isn't safe, forget about the rest of both Baghdad AND Iraq...

Finally, Your Right Hand Thief has a post about the plans of First Lady Laura Bush, should her husband eke out four more years--seems Ms. Bush would like to work with juveniles with substance abuse problems. Funny--she could do that just as easily in Crawford.

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