Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Coalition of the Desperate for a Green Card Willing

King of Zembla and Suburban Guerrilla clue us in on an ugly secret with the official Pengagon casualty count--of only US personnel, of course (which in itself speaks volumes, i.e., Iraqis, whether insurgent or civilian, are inherently less equal to the wingnut crowd). From Suburban Guerrilla:

Hired security contractors, or mercenaries, and recruits who are not citizens who enlisted to obtain a "green card," are not counted or mentioned. A large number of the green card recruits are from Mexico and Central America. There are no organizations to look after their rights or help them once they're in Iraq. Most of them are buried in Iraq when killed.

A videotape produced and distributed by the "Majles Shora Al-Mojahideen in Fallujah," one of the most important military wings of the Iraqi resistance, showed a burial site discovered outside the Iraqi city of Samara with tens of bodies in US military body bags. The dead were dressed in US uniforms. It is estimated that as many as 40% of the US troops serving in Iraq are green card recruits.

SG also found an Indymedia story that suggests Mazen Dana, the Reuters photojournalist killed in broad daylight outside Abu Ghraib prison (soldiers said they mistook his camera for a rocket launcher), was working on a story about graves in Iraq containing the remains of people dressed in US military clothing.

I guess this means that some died in the name of freedom--the freedom for one George W. Bush and his cabal to lie a little more.

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