Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Judy Woodruff, the Human Ostrich

Hullabaloo uses transcripts to show the CNN "reporter" doesn't understand how investigative journalism works. Note to Judy: if there's smoke, a GOOD reporter at least looks to see if there's fire, particularly if there are folks rushing around with extinguishers. Judy Woodruff, on the other hand, sticks her nodding cranium into the sand within nanoseconds of hearing the administration announce "Move on--nothing to be seen here."

Congressman Maurice Hinchey knows how to be a better journalist than least he's asking questions, and refusing to accept "official explanations," which the press used to occasionally do (e.g. Watergate, although recall that Woodward and Bernstein were virtually alone in covering the story for the first year or so--the rest of the media mostly ignored it).

You know, when I re-read the transcript, Woodruff sounds like...James Jeff Guckert Gannon...

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