Friday, February 18, 2005

Goddamned Kids...Stay Off My Lawn!

In fact, says the pResident, don't even go to Lafayette Park--just scram, as Molly Ivins notes in this column, entitled Screw the Children:

In fact, that's something I've long noticed about George W. Bush: He really doesn't see any connection between government programs and helping people. Promoting the general welfare, one of the six reasons the Constitution gives for having a government in the first place, is not high on his list. I refer you back to his immortal statement while governor: 'No children are going to go hungry in this state. You'd think the governor would have heard if there are pockets of hunger in Texas.' He'd been governor for five years at the time.

No hungry kids during Bush's watch--and test scores rose, high school dropout rates lowered, because Bush gamed the system by covering stuff up. You know, back in the day, things were doubleplusgood in Texas. I heard they increased the sugar ration to a half kilo a month, although no god-fearing Texan would ever use the term "kilo." If pounds and ounces were good enough for Jesus Christ, they should be good enough for everyone else.*

And, thanks to governor Bush, Texas was winning the war on terror...ah, things sure was GOOD in the Lone Star Stet back then...

*half kilo=1.1 pound (approximately).

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