Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Measure of Justice

Yeah, Bernard Ebbers probably will manage to stay out of jail for some time while pursuing his various avenues of appeal--cases involving capital haven't yet been limited like capital cases--yet. And yeah, Abu "Torquemada" Gonzales managed to weasel his way into the limelight for a bit--and no, the small investors who lost big in the debacle won't get a penny back--but not only will Ebbers be forever remembered as a crook, I'll bet both Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling (link to Salon.com--subscription of ad view required) swallowed hard and had a bit of trouble digesting today's sumptuous luncheon. Because they're on the same firing line.

Oh, and here's something to consider as well--if a privatized version of Social Security had existed in 2001 or 2002, how many retirement accounts would've been wiped out? Have we forgotten how quickly the house of cards tumbled down?

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