Friday, August 19, 2005

A New World Record

Attaturk notes that the torch was passed from St. Ronald of Densewood to Little Lord Shrubelroy:

Today is the day that George Bush sets the record for vacation days for an American President, 336. Breaking the record in 4 years and 7 months, impressive in that they woke Reagan up after 8 years to inform him he had set an unbreakable level of iconic detachment.

From being born as the son of a son of a son of wealthy patricians, through the gentlemens grades of "C", to flying jets so as to keep the Viet Cong from invading the Gulf Coast to steal his blow, Dear Leader has been a notible, yet propped up unachiever his entire life. That he could so quickly lounge his way into the Presidential record-books is an impressive act of non-action indeed.

Hard Work...

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