Friday, December 02, 2005

No Wasted Words

Thanks to Watertiger for the link:

I think that in the final analysis what really drives me nuts about the administration is that they've translated petty tyranny into something pretty close to actual tyrrany.

I mean, when I contemplate the lies, the mendacity, the incompetence, the naked greed, the self-righteousness, the sanctimonious preening, the shallowness, the stupidity, the abject moral cowardice -- all that crap -- what I see are very small, shallow, mean-spirited people in way over their heads and unable to admit it. I see people who can't appreciate their own inadequacies and who have no other modes of response besides lashing out in a blind rage and sullen denial. I see people unable to deal with anything other than unqualified praise, even if it's obviously hypocritical.

In short, I see every horrible incompetent jerk I've ever been forced to work with, every walking professional disaster. I also see every awful person at every party, in any social grouping, in every family, in every nightmarish relationship that I've hated being around.

It's the Ministry of Petty Assholes, running the planet.


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