From Sifu Tweety a link to a post that turns the whole "ticking time bomb" nonsense on it's head:
Okay, here’s the scenario: Terrorists have planted a nuclear weapon in a major American city and if you don’t stop it millions will die. If you have any sense of honor at all, wouldn’t you give your own life to stop that? Most of us would say yes, wouldn’t we? What about prison? If you could save them at the cost of spending years in prison, maybe even the rest of your life, wouldn’t you have to make that choice? As bitter as the years might be, could you live with yourself knowing that you allowed a nuclear holocaust just so you could live out your own days in comfort and freedom? Fair? No. But what kind of man or woman worth the gametes that got them going could look someone in the eye and say, “I could have prevented it, but I would have suffered.”
So if it’s ticking bombs that worry you, what do we need laws permitting torture for? Do the crime, save the lives, then do the time. Leave possible pardons aside. We are hard men for hard times and we want hard make-believe conundra.
Don’t talk to me about the suffering you’d bravely inflict on someone else. Tell me the cost you yourself would pay. Those are the “tough choices.” Next time the subject comes up, ask your interlocutor to make one.
And, not straying too far from the topic, any argument to the effect that it's just too damned difficult to fill out all them forms 'n stuff when it comes to getting either a regular or FISA warrant is, when you think about it, patently absurd prima facie--you mean "suspicion of terrorist acts/sympathies/etc." ISN'T the slam dunk of all slam dunks when it comes to obtaining a warrant?
Yes, Team Bush evidently DOES think we're morons (see below). I return the sentiment, and raise the stakes by saying they're criminals, too...
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