Team Bush released a report "justifying" their law-breaking re: warrantless wiretaps. I think ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero's reaction is as good as any:
"Any opinion coming from the Justice Department has to be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism, given Attorney General Gonzales' involvement in the warrantless spying as White House counsel," he said in a written statement. "The fox may now be guarding the henhouse, which is why we need an independent special counsel."
He added, "Congress must hold open, substantive hearings to let the American public know how their privacy was invaded. The president must not use a claim of preserving the nation as justification to undermine the very principles that define our nation. Freedom, liberty and privacy must be protected and preserved."
Like I wrote yesterday, can anyone seriously believe "suspicion of terrorist acts/sympathies" WOULDN'T get law enforcement officials a warrant these days? Geez. Hell, even IF somehow, somewhere, you managed to come across a FISA judge who wouldn't sign off, it'd just be red meat for the wackos come election time. No, don't be fooled by slick documents. The clowns running the show AREN'T using warrantless wiretaps for tracking terrorists. It's got to be something far more sinister. And, considering the levels to which they'll stoop (literally down to dirt level) while their chorus of minions declare they've maintained collective dignity...something just doesn't add up.
Which explains today's "statement," and a lot of other recent CYA actions...
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