Friday, January 13, 2006

The Foreign Side of Shrub's Failures

Reading around the internets this morning--and watching Countdown last night--confirmed my observation yesterday re: dipshit-in-chief (can't be spelled without "dubya"). When it comes to New Orleans, he just doesn't get it.

Well, at least the "two fools" pic is getting plenty of play...personally, I think the mural would be a more effective leader.

But, getting back to the point, Shrub keeps rolling snake eyes, both here and abroad--the press keeps reporting it, but with the odd grin that comes from having eaten a double-sized shitburger:

Turmoil in Iraq Is Part of Progress, Bush Says

Yep, that's the real headline. Next thing you know, the WaPo will dutifully note the preznit's insistance that "War is Peace."

President Bush warned Americans yesterday that they can expect to see more violence in Iraq over the next year but called this the price of progress as the country stands up its own security forces and moves toward democracy.

And here's the preznit's Iraqi security force "dream team" in action:

-- On Nov. 22, the top U.S. military and civilian leaders in Iraq handed over Saddam Hussein's most lavish palace compound to the safekeeping and control of the new Iraqi army and government, in a ceremony whose intended symbolism was as impossible to ignore as the military brass band.

"The passing of this facility is a simple ceremony that vividly demonstrates the continuing progress being made by the Iraqi government and their people," said Col. Mark McKnight, commander of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, who handed the keys to the palaces to the governor of Salahuddin province.

But in the days after American forces and the Iraqi brass band pulled out of the circular palace drive on a bluff overlooking the Tigris River, local officials now say, looters moved in, ripping out doors, air conditioners, ceiling fans and light-switch plates from some of the compound's 136 palaces, leaving little more than plaster and dangling electric wires.

The culprits are some of the same Iraqi security forces and officials to whom Americans transferred control, police and the governor say.

"Thank God we were able to save the walls from the looters, because everything else was stolen," Gov. Hamed Hamood Shekti said by telephone.

Yeah, that's Shrubleroy's vision in a nutshell--which, come to think of it, is an accurate a measure of his intellectual acumen as well. The fact that any sort of rational, thinking human being would look at Iraq and immediately come to the realization that it's a clusterfuck seems lost on Mr. Peanut-Brain, his Kool-Aid consuming underlings...and a press corpse that spends its time remarking about how stylish the Chimperor's new attire is...

Which is why, when someone like John Murtha points out the obvious, the collection of pinheads comprising Team Bush MUST jump--and jump quickly--into slime mode:

The Huffington Post has learned the Bush administration recently asked high ranking military leaders to denounce Congressman John Murtha. Congressman Murtha has called for the Bush Administration to withdraw US troops from Iraq.

The Bush Administration first attacked Rep. Murtha for his Iraq views by associating him with the filmmaker Michael Moore and Representative Jean Schmidt likened him to a coward on the floor of the House of Representatives. When those tactics backfired, Dick Cheney called Murtha "A good man, a marine, a patriot and he's taking a clear stand in an entirely legitimate discussion."

Though the White House has backed off publicly, administration officials have nevertheless recently made calls to military leaders to condemn the congressman. So far they have refused.

Rep. Murtha spent 37 years in the Marine Corps earning a Bronze Star, two Purple Hearts and a Navy Distinguished Service Medal. His service has earned him the respect of the military, and made him a trusted adviser to both Republican and Democratic presidents and leaders of the armed forces.

Good thing there are still a few clear thinkers at the Pentagon...because the guy at the top has pretty obviously gone bonkers (or maybe he's always been)...And, as the failures mount, I'm betting the wingnut crowd will be even more liberal (pun intended) with the feces flinging (in the other Wolcott post I referred to below--about assclown Michael Fumento--J.W. provides a perfect analysis of wingnut behavior in this regard: as things continue to spiral out of control, 'nuts fantasize ever more violently about those who didn't opt for the moron approach).

Anyway--I veered slightly off topic--when you look at it, Shrub's steered the ship of state directly into a perfect storm. I just hope I'll find a seat on one of the lifeboats...

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