GOP "Acceptable Behavior" for African-American Funerals
Looks like the wingnut faction is all in a tizzy over yesterday's eulogies for Coretta Scott King. Apparently boy chimps-in-chief aren't supposed to have to deal with anything more stressful than groveling masses when they deign to commune with the non-prescreened "public."
The MyDD link has a commentor who noted what is both classic wingnuttery AND apparently Bush administration policy:
[a] neanderthal...posted a comment suggesting that Bush withhold New Orleans aid until they came "begging for it." Just shows you what the right really thinks about African-Americans: the same thing they've thought about them for hundreds of years. This is the same mindset that informed Bush's New Orleans policy: black problems are not America's problems.
The fact is that ever since the GOP adopted "the Southern Strategy" they've been as racist as the old Southern Democrats who couldn't line up fast enough to switch allegiance. However, they're quite sensitive about such things--recall Shrub adamently stating "I'm not a racist" when asked about his worse-than-abysmal response to Hurricane Katrina.
But I think Shrub--and his fellow GOP'ers--doth protest WAY too much.
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