Team Bush has turned to "tough love" re: Katrina evacuees living in hotels...now, I've read differing opinions about the evictions: some folks argue that people won't move out of high end hotel accomodations...on the other hand, can ANYONE trust FEMA?
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco complained that FEMA was pulling the plug on the hotel program before securing other housing.
Outside the Crowne Plaza, protesters held up signs that said: "No trailers. No eviction."
Brittany Brown, 21, wept as she explained that although she had been given an extension, eviction was now looming next week. She applied for a trailer in October and, although she keeps calling, her trailer has yet to show up.
Speaking of Governor Blanco, the online Pic's story about her opening address to the leg. is worth a look. YRHT did and what he says I'm pretty much in agreement with. And yes, I think bringing the offshore oil leases into play is a good move, as are her assertions re: Gret Stet'ers being treated as second-class citizens.
Meanwhile, Team Bush, the administration of personal responsibility, the "daddy" administration as professional idiot David Brooks brayed back in 2004...is demonstrating they're actually the diddly administration, and I don't mean Bo Diddley...instead of formulating and implementing a plan of action, they continue to dick and dink around, looking for ways to screw over the entire region, but particularly New Orleans...and I think we all know why.
And, finally, on THAT subject, I guess most everyone stopping by here noticed John McCain revealed his true color in attempting to Sister Souljah fellow Senator Barack Obama. How nice. TalkingPointsMemo ably explains broader implications of McCain's very Shrubrovian attack on Obama:
But the key here to note is what's behind this dust-up. Obama is a rising star among the Democrats. Republicans want to lay a backstory for feature criticisms and character attacks against him. So, for instance, if Obama is the vice presidential candidate in 2008, they want to have a history of attacks on him banked, ones that allege he's a liar, or too partisan, or untrustworthy, whatever. It doesn't even really matter. What matters is that there already be an established history of them. Point being, that in early 2008, they want to be able to simply refer back to Obama's 'character issue', the questions about his honesty, etc. rather than have to make the case on its merits.
That's not surprising. One only needs to think back to the Gore story, etc.
What shouldn't be missed here, though, is that Sen. McCain is quite consciously and deliberately making himself a part of this. Why? Simple. Because he needs to get right with the GOP establishment in DC. (Indeed, he probably also wants to be the future beneficiary of the sliming.) Being loved by moderates and progressives doesn't cut it for getting the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.
In other words, you've got to cover yourself in slime if you want to be a GOP standard bearer. I'm not all that surprised...most slimeballs insist on dragging people down to their level, and McCain now has a LONG history of demonstrating his willingness to kiss ass AND shamelessly pander.
For this, the media, no stranger to asskissing and pandering themselves, dubs him "maverick."
Which explains a lot...
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