The clothes make the chicken--bwak!
So, Big Time's finally decided it WAS time to fess up...haven't seen any of the footage, but Firedoglake notes several things, including Dick's demeanor: somber and sober (unlike his condition on Saturday)...but somewhat distant (no "New Dick" here).
What I find amazing is Dick's expressions of anguish. Wonder if he's ever so much as given a thought about the thousands of people he and Shrub have sent, albeit by proxy, to eternal "freance and peance"...my guess is on the shy side of nanoseconds.
Meanwhile, in other news, I guess most folks stopping by are aware of a brand new set of Abu Ghraib torture photos available for perusal. You can view them here or here, among other places, and sadly, they are not photoshopped in the sense of making them something other than what they are: a shockingly ugly and despicable sign of how low Team Bush is willing to bring the United States in order to serve their own ugly political agenda.
Well, whaddya expect from drunks with guns?
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