From Dependable Renegade, I see that Bubble-Boy was clueless about the Haditha massacre until reporters began asking questions:
President Bush learned of reports that U.S. Marines killed two dozen unarmed Iraqi civilians only after reporters began asking questions, the White House said Tuesday.
Asked when Bush was first briefed about the events in Haditha, an insurgent stronghold in western Iraq, White House press secretary Tony Snow replied Tuesday: "When a Time reporter first made the call."
Geez. What a bunch of dimwits we've got: Boy-Shrub prances and preens on aircraft carriers, barks "bring 'em on," or "dead or alive," before finally offering a "sociopathic sort of contrition," according to this post...today's the first anniversary of "last throes,"--and I don't have the slightest doubt that, come 2007, May 30th will coincide with the second anniversary, Mr. Cheney...unless you accept reality...hmmm...fat chance.
Let's see...come to think of it, Rummy's been exploring his own perpetual adolescence lately, having adamently denied saying "we know where they are" in reference to WMD--before long, I'l bet he's jutting out his lower lip and publicly pouting if asked about anything more controversial than the weather. You know, I wonder if he's bothered to consider casualty estimates over the next twelve months...because that sort of thing is part of his job (and makes you wonder why nobody's asked any questions: sure, it's awful to even consider such matters, but, guess what? People die in wars, and part of the ugly job of warfare, particularly at the top, is to make these kinds of judgements. Usually, they're made PRIOR to a conflict, and become an essential consideration, i.e., are the COSTS WORTH IT?).
I mean, either they really DO have a child or adoloscent mindset...which is scary enough...or, like Kenny Boy Lay and Jeff Skilling, they think somehow they can both play dumb and act smart.
Didn't work out all that well for the Enron twins...and I've got a feeling the individual members of Team Bush, whether or not they're hauled off into the clink (and, if you ask me, they oughta be), will be equally subject to scorn and ridicule. The problem, of course, is that they're not just dragging down a company, but a country.
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