The Compassionate Conservative Program for Mesopotamia.
I'll assume you've seen the stories about Haditha. Now stories are surfacing about another massacre in Ishaqi. And a couple of days ago it was reported that a pregnant woman was killed in Samarra (the full-term fetus was also pronounced dead).
Greg Peters has a few thoughts on Haditha specifically, but might as well be speaking generally about the depths to which Iraq has been FUBAR'ed thanks to the mix and match of hubris and muleheadedness on the part of the national leadership. In allowing the situation to turn to--AT BEST--Saddam Lite, or, more often, chaos/anarchy and/or sectarian civil strife, they've undercut pretty much every notion previously held by the region about the United States, from the perception that this nation had respect for the rule of law to even the grudging acceptance of our military might.
Way to go, neocons.
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