Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hubris and Stupidity

Laura and Shrub Jong Il

You'd think on a day when 40 torture/murder victims were found in Baghdad alone, when good buddy Bob Woodward reports that attacks against US forces occur, on average, every 15 minutes, when the NIE parts that were declassified indicate the "War on Terror" is going about as well as the Donner Party's trek to'd think Shrub would adopt, at the very least, a slightly more reflective tone (if not attitude: hell, he should be begging forgiveness from now until judgement day).

But the boy emperor instead insists all is well, while proffering a chuckleheaded smirk at the nominal (but oh so loyal) opposition:

President Bush suggested Thursday that Democrats don't have the stomach to fight the war on terror, battling back in the election-season clamor over administration intelligence showing terrorism spreading.

Hmmm...have you noticed, by the way, how a certain domestic issue (hint: the devastation of the Gulf Coast) has been swept under the proverbial rug by these assclowns?

I mean, jeez: they couldn't respond to a slow moving storm--how on earth does ANYONE think they could respond to a terror threat?

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