I'm not really a Wonkette reader, but hey, credit where credit's due:
Spotted on 10/19, by an eagle-eyed Wonkette reader: The Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services truck making its way up to the Cheney compound at the Naval Observatory.
Fun fact: Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services has been contracted by the Secret Service for our Executive Branch’s record-not-keeping needs.
The present contractor providing Pickup & Destruction of Sensitive Waste Material services is Mid Atlantic Shredding Services and the current rate is $0.095 cents per lbs.
You better get crackin’, Dick — that evidence won’t destroy itself!
Funny enough, right around October 19th a story came out about the 20th anniversary of the revelation of the Iran/Contra scandal (actually, the exact date will be November 3rd). David Addington, Big Time's current chief of staff, wrote the GOP minority report on Iran/Contra.
Might explain both the attitude re: an Imperial Presidency...and the appearance of a shredding company at Dick's bunker...
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