...when you give not just a free ride, but an all-expenses paid vacation, complete with luxury accomodations (not to mention a get-out-of-jail-free card) to a gang of petty thugs who couldn't effectively run a condom concession at a whorehouse...and then pile up on the undead corpse of not just John Kerry, model 2004, but also his once-breathing, backbone equipped alter-ego of some 30 plus odd years ago?
I'm sure everyone has either seen or read the transcript of Keith Olbermann's latest commentary, so I'll only touch briefly on some of the more obvious examples of Team Bush verbal diarrhea--the sick jokes about WMD, Cheney's F-bomb, Cheney's other brain-dead utterances ("greated as liberators," "reconstituted nuclear weapons," "last throes," etc.), virtually anything and everything Donald Rumsfeld has ever said...
They've spat on the Constitution, played politics with a level of cynicism that virtually has no precedent, gutted the military (see Billmon for more), practiced cronyism on a level not seen since the mid-to-late 19th century...and, when not worshipping Mammon, try to play God.
And the dim bulbs in the national press corpse (sic) lap it all up like kittens at the mother of all milk bowls.
Notice how this barely gets any traction? Or this? George Allen's pleasant little brownshirts merit mention only because Mike Stark is (gasp)...a blogger (meaning, in journalese, he must've brought it upon himself).
Nero's supposed fiddling while Rome burned was at least a mere solo act. These days it seems like the powers that be, and their lackeys in the press are doing their best rendition of Handel's Messiah.
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