Sorry for the slow start to today...it's been surprisingly busy for a holiday week over here...
That said, I just don't know where to begin...between the latest uplifting-in-a-makes-your-shoulder-joints-pop-out-and-dislocate kind of way news from Iraq (OK, to be fair, this AMERICAN CITIZEN didn't get THAT treatment...but what happened to him was plenty bad enough...and I think we all know now that plenty of people ARE routinely being tortured in our names. Which is just...plain...sick).
Bob Herbert, to his credit, keeps reminding us of the Mission-Not-Accomplished (albeit promised) down here along the Gulf Coast--again, you'd think that maybe, just maybe, those with newly-found-fondness for nation-building might want to get some practice before embarking on Operation Spill Blood and Burn Money for NOTHING AT ALL. The Gulf Coast would provide PLENTY of practice, the need is quite desperate, and the investment already does and will in the future provide plenty of payoff.
Via Rising Hegemon, I see that Chimperor actually believes his daughters are role models...arrogance truly knows no limits, I suppose.
And it looks like, regarding Iraq, the "surge" strategery, or, in other words, Operation Refuse to Accept the Truth of Your Failure, is Shrub's not-all-that-surprising choice. After all, he might use "The Google," but I'll bet he never looked up Ben Franklin's definition of instanity.
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