Condoleezza Rice is willing to shed more blood...well, more of other people's blood, because it's "worth the investment."
Well, to be perfectly sanguine, Condi, here's the approximate blood investment thus far--in US soldier lives:

That's roughly 3000 lives (five more announced today) at 6 quarts of blood each. Do the math (four quarts to the gallon, forty two gallons to a barrel), and you come to about 107 barrels of blood. Or about one barrel of blood per...18 million barrels of crude (export estimates). Good to know you think it's worth it, Condi.
Oh, and about two of these, plus a little more

I suppose your response would be the usual disclaimer about risks. What I don't understand is how ANYONE could POSSIBLY think there would be some sort of reward, particularly as I continue to learn more and more about Iraq...something our public officials should have been doing BEFORE launching Operation Enduring Clusterfuck.
But I suppose when it neither your blood nor your money, you'll play fast and loose with both. And, if you have little or no conscience, you'll sleep surprisingly well...
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