And not just the GOP
Wafting around Blogaea over the past few days has been the epic saga of Joshua Sparling, a war hero/veteran who lost a limb in Iraq. Hullabaloo especially has focused on it (and it's well worth clicking through to his references if you haven't done so already), others have posted as well, so I expect you know the particulars...
Hmmm...awfully (with emphasis) convenient, if you ask me. Getting spat on, being called a "baby killer," etc., etc. Color me skeptical, but methinks the fit is just a little...too...perfect. The war's lost--only the genuinely delusional think otherwise. The ONLY possible salvation for wingnuttia at this point is a rather pathetic and desperate attempt to engage in some last second mud slinging and hope that a "5th column" charge might somehow stick.
So, we now have, in the paper of record/Pravda, in fact, a recorded instance of the spitting myth that persists despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Side note: I was flipping through television channels last night and came across the movie about Woodstock. In one scene, an announcer on stage thanks the military for providing assistance--if I remember right, a helicopter and one or more medical tents, and the audience, who for the most part were presumably antiwar, offers a warm round of applause.
Anyway...back to the present day: unfortunately, the alleged incident won't likely be investigated, because the alternative is that it will evolve into wingnut mythology, if it hasn't already. And myths, as I've noted before, are far more difficult to counter than lies.
Besides, I have a sneaking suspicion that if the alleged spitting/being called "baby killer" incident actually DID happen in any way even resembling the allegation...well, it's not like DC isn't crawling with people who have a history of rat fucking (see Rove, Karl, for example). I wouldn't for a second put it above wingnuttia to pull an agent provacateur stunt...which is why it'd be nice if this really was thoroughly investigated. Find out exactly what happened, how it happened, and who did what.
Oh, and if--IF--a genuine protester did this--and again, I'm quite doubtful--but if on the very small chance, they did--well, then Doug Feith would have to relinquish his title.
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