If they'll shortchange their most sanctimonious of causes, it's gotta make you wonder about the Gulf Coast and New Orleans:
Amount sick Ground Zero workers and Lower Manhattan residents have sought from the federal government for medical care related to 9/11 toxin exposure: $1.9 billion.
Amount President Bush has now, with great fanfare, promised to provide: $25 million.
For the math-impaired, that's 1.3% of what was sought.
And it's just a promise. I wonder if there'll be backtracking from even this, as there was not long after 9/11.
Earlier, while Blogger was up to its usual, crappy performance, I tried to connect to a Po' Blog post referenced by First Draft. You can view it now, and you might want to take another look at this (thanks again to YRHT).
Again, this is part and parcel to the whole of the Bush administration. For example: they demand $450 billion dollars for "defense," then additional, supplemental, off-book appropriations for actually fighting the wars...and then they claim poverty when it comes to supplying and equipping the soldiers tasked with engaging in the conflict. All while piously claiming the mantle of "patriot," (the flip side of the coin being that anyone questioning the spending priorities of this administration somehow isn't).
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