Thursday, March 29, 2007

It'd Take an Electron Microscope to Locate Their Moral Compass

Well, work takes priority, and it certainly did today...but things are finally quieting down...

Anway, just to follow up on my post below: not only do I not doubt for a second that ANY sort of genuine performance review of Team Bush would find them all UNIQUELY UNSUITED AND UNQUALIFIED for the various offices they you get the feeling that they'd whine themselves a vineyard if even so much as threatened with one?

I mean, shit, look at Shrub's petulance at the mere suggestion that neither he nor his staff are above the law re: testifying before Congress. You'd think they'd all been told that they had to run uphill in a blizzard barefoot over burning coals carrying 50 pound sacks of coal on their back...and afterwards, each personally donate $1,000 dollars to the United Negro College Fund, as opposed being sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Oh--and the press, which once upon a time acted in the public interest, watchdogging over government to ensure at least a passing respect for ethical behavior, now plays a different role. Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. Gregory. Maybe I should've included you in the picture above (and, you know what? Gregory is one of the "best" reporters in DC).

Shifting gears for a know, I thought the press' sheer hypocrisy a decade ago, hrummphing like doddering, blue-nosed prudes about oral sex, might have eventually shamed them into something at least approaching a respect for the real priorities of their profession. But no: they really are little more than dancing monkeys/window dressing for, well, the worst...administration...if not ever, certainly of the 21st Century. They deserve each other.

But does the country deserve either?

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