OK, I'm calling bullshit--I don't care WHAT Scott Stanzel, Dana Perino, or anyone else says: it's NOT that easy to thoroughly scrub/delete email, even WHEN you're trying. And YES, I know what I'm talking about.
Leahy's right--some teenager could probably do a real number on the various RNC mail servers/server clusters, and, before too long, restore pretty much everything that actually HAS been deleted. And that's whether or not the servers are Windows, Unix, Linux, Solaris, or whatever. Note: my guess is Windows or Linux. To be fair, I'm not a Linux sys admin, but I know plenty about Microsoft Exchange/Outlook. Sure, it's not impossible to thoroughly scrub a mail server on a periodic basis...but between Personal Folders, backups, archives...or the relative ease in restoring readable data from even deliberately erased disks, I'd call any claim about "lost" emails dubious at best.
Funny enough, a few years ago there was a minor email scandal right here in the Gret Stet: Senate Secretary Mike Baer claimed he was trying to "delete" a mildly raunchy email...instead, he sent it to the entire Senate mail list.
When I heard Baer's "explanation," I laughed out loud, because this wasn't like, oh, I don't know, a car wreck when you hit the gas pedal instead of the brake. No, this was Mike Baer, well, lying through his teeth. I'm guessing he wanted to send his video of crotch-shots to a personal list...oops. Then, instead of apologizing for bad taste and/or misuse of state resources, he fibbed. Turned out to be a pretty expensive fib, considering he lost a job that paid a six-figure salary.
Note: searching for a link to the Baer story, I came across a link to the great Timshel himself. Hope all is well, Mr. Prado.
Anyway, my guess is that, unlike Mr. Baer, the RNC is hiding something a bit more explosive than a tawdry video.
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