A day after chiding Congress for being on "Spring Break," the Vacationer-in-Chief is off to Crawford--that is to say, Spring Break in Hell--for a couple days. Guess he needs regular refreshers in what to expect for eternity...shit, he's so goddamned dense he'd probably love Hell-as-Crawford. Eternal Damnation for Shrubusto would probably be something like perpetuity as the lowest ranking busboy/dishwasher at a four-star Parisian restaurant: "Garcon!"
Anyway, before taking off for his Spastic-Texastic holiday, he offered yet another demonstration of his willingness to work with Congress. A recess appointment:
President Bush named Republican fundraiser Sam Fox as U.S. ambassador to Belgium on Wednesday, using a maneuver that allowed him to bypass Congress where Democrats had derailed Fox's nomination.
What a little pissy-pants.
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