Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Target Spotting

Maybe the graphic image above will answer the question, "But why would anyone want to live in a hurricane zone?"

Well...you can certainly ask a LOT of people. I'd say, based on the data, the MAJORITY of people. Judge for yourself.

The entire region in the bull's eyes will have to brace themselves--soon. It might be a bumpy ride.

The 2007 Atlantic hurricane season should be "very active," with nine hurricanes and a good chance that at least one major hurricane will hit the U.S. coast, a top researcher said Tuesday.

Forecaster William Gray said he expects 17 named storms in all this year, five of them major hurricanes with sustained winds of 111 mph or greater. The probability of a major hurricane making landfall on the U.S. coast this year: 74 percent, compared with the average of 52 percent over the past century, he said.

Now, will the wingnuts blame the victims if, say, it's Palm Beach that gets leveled? What if it's New York City? Actually, I'd bet they WOULD blame the victims if it was Washington, DC...DC has some significant similarities to NOLA.

In addition to blaming the victims, will they insist on not waiving the matching funds provision of the Stafford Act? Is that what's really meant by "compassionate conservativism"?, i.e., a big, fat, F.U.?

Lord knows I actually don't wish a disaster, particularly one as massive as the flood of New Orleans and Hurricanes of 2005 to befall anyone. But reality is reality.

And we can either live united, as a nation, willing to help if, god-forbid, the worst occurs...or we can isolate ever further into our little bubbles, hoping our number doesn't come up, and that the end result doesn't affect our cable tv and gasoline prices too much...oh, while blaming the majority of the country that lives along the coast.

Our choice.

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