Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We're All Adults Here...

I can't take full credit for the graphic above. The real creative work was done by someone posting to a Democratic Underground thread that Oyster linked to. Anyway...

I saw the article and video of our senator with Wendy-Presumably-Number-One for him...foul smelling, rancid tripe has never been more self-served. It's all about them. Oh, how terrible it is for them...and the kids (who've become mighty useful-if-invisible props for the Vitters: when uncomfortable questions are asked, watch how quickly they'll hide behind them).

You know, it was kind of funny, in a pathetic sort of way, to watch Wendy turn her inner Lorena away from hubby and instead bear her teeth to the assembled press...alas, I wasn't able to hear the shouted questions that neither Vitter deigned to answer, but I seriously doubt anyone tried to obtain clarification re: the Bobbit option.

OK...I was about to launch into an extended post, but, you know, that really isn't necessary. Other people have already written far more eloquently. But I'll conclude by noting that this is yet another instance of not just hypocrisy, but also a reflection of a central element of GOP/Neo-con elitism...that is, a reflection of a central belief that they're entitled to a different set of rules. Years ago, in western Europe, where you literally had royalty, this sort of elitism was unashamedly accepted...on this side of the pond, it tends to be masked, although Team Bush is doing their best to make it a de facto standard. And that's what the Vitter's statement yesterday ultimately was: a giant "fuck you, little people, we've got our own rules."

Vitter doesn't deserve to be arrested for soliciting prostitutes, even as prostitutes and Johns get arrested daily. Rush Limbaugh doesn't deserve to get arrested for drug possession, even as millions of individuals languish in prison for...drug possession. Wolfowitz plays fast and loose with the rules to set his girlfriend up in a cushy job...then demands millions in severance pay. Dick Cheney shoots someone in the face...and receives an apology. Daily the administration violates the law...then claims either "executive privilege," or likewise delivers a "fuck you, little people" statement, be it in regards to non-existent WMD, or outing Valerie Plame, or whatever.

No wonder they don't have the slightest qualm about sending others off to die in Iraq for reasons amounting solely to ego. To them, little people are simply so much labor, so much fodder...or so many prisoners. The mob.

You know, that also explains the truly bizarro reaction Babs Bush and Tom DeLay displayed towards NOLA flood refugees...but that could be the subject of an entirely different post.

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