Thursday, August 02, 2007

Court Finds Fountain-Pen Robbers "Not Guilty"

Well, can't say this is all that surprising, given that a quick review of my own homeowner policy specifically excludes water damage "whether or not driven by wind" (and also states, unambiguously on the first page, that flood losses aren't compensated) however, others have already noted the underhanded ways insurance companies have been dealing with policy holders who've acted in good faith (often for years)...and this further places a moral if not legal burden on the federal government, which was responsible for not maintaining THEIR levees, and, ergo, responsible for flooding 80 percent of the city.

Oh, and I see (also via First Draft) that the "personal responsiblity" administration has already embarked on a "blame the victim" strategy re: the Minneapolis tragedy. Sheez.

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