Have Some More?
This is just pathetic on so many levels. I mean, it's painfully obvious that a goddamned representative in the United States Congress possesses the mentality of a high school sophomore, unable to comprehend why anyone would dare question her decisions on who to shun and who to play friends with (Rush Lamebone?) for the day.
But isn't that just like the GOP in general? They really DO hold the American public in DEEP contempt, occasionally useful for the illusion of a democractic imprimatur, but otherwise relegated to the status of "consumer." Funny enough, that's exactly what the media thinks, too. Indeed, that's what the media NEEDS: overstuffed consumers, mainly perched on the couch, eyeballs aglaze in front of the tube...leaving the confines just long enough to do some meaningless job, followed by a trip to the Super Wal-Mart for cheap, outsourced, manufactured crap, a burger and fries at the in-store McDeath, then a stop at the gas station on the way home for bargain basement gasoline: only $2.75 a gallon...plus 30,000 casualties (and counting), plus a half trillion dollars.
And for fake outrage, what's better than the "Jew" York Times and Move On. It's like having Madeline Murray O'Hair AND the ACLU to kick around.
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