Thursday, October 25, 2007

And They're Responsible for Receding Hairlines and Bald Pates, Too

Ah, the Al Qaeda fires of SoCal, 2007...sure, why not?

You know, if the general public's dumb enough to believe it, then maybe we deserve the government we've got. Geez.

So, what's next?

Here's an Al Qaeda spawned nor'easter. They hate our freedom...and our lobsters.

Here's the Al Qaeda generated Blizzard of 2006. Guess they didn't get the global warming memo.

Betcha didn't know about Osama's hand in the Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964. It wasn't a coincidence that it occurred on Good Friday.

The super staph and e coli bacterium? Mr. President, I smell a big fat Al Qaeda rat...

I'm still working on (ahem) but don't yet possess any clear visual evidence linking Al Qaeda to the southeatern U.S. drought, but it wouldn't surprise me...nor would I be surprised if Osama flapping his arms in Pakistan set off a chain of events leading to tornados in Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, or Kansas...or maybe even the summer floods in Ohio. After all, that's the sort of diabolical stuff they'd think of: instead of just talking about the weather, they'd DO something.

And I'll bet they also are responsible for the monster in the closet...

But New Orleans and the Gulf Coast? Nah, that wasn't Al Qaeda, and it sure wasn't the Great Decider, George W. Bush. THOSE people brought it upon themselves...

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