With ninety or so days remaining this year, there's a slight chance I might have to adjust things, but I'm pretty sure we've got a winner in the 2007 Expression that Defines Our Times.
Third Runner Up:

Leave Britney Alone!
Certainly an outstanding effort and a source of inspiration for others imploring the same for everyone from General Petraeus to Bill Belicheck. In any other year perhaps a champion, but this year's competition was exceptionally strong.
Second Runner Up:

Don't Tase Me, Bro!
Not exactly "We Shall Overcome" or "The Whole World is Watching," but possibly of practical value for anyone going to a public event these days. Andrew Meyer's general attitude cost him a lot of points, though.
First Runner Up:

Man-DEL-a is dead.
Points for sheer drama as well as an astonishing fealty to Star Trek©: TOS principles of speech and diction patterns (Man-DEL-ah); however, the factual incorrectness and sheer batshit weirdness in timing and delivery worked against President Bones McShrub. Shrub almost got a second nomination thanks to the testimony of Erik Prince who uncannily channeled the "to the extent that [the federal government/Blackwater/the Mayberry Machiavellis/the Texass Mafia] is responsible..." line, but that's actually from 2005...
Which means that our "Champion" is...[drumroll, rim shot]

Don't Deport My Wife
Yes, that's right--while soldiers like Eduardo Gonzalez and Emmanuel Woko put their lives on the line for the United States, a souless bureaucracy and pinheaded climate of hostility among certain sympathizers with wingnuttery means their wives and perhaps children stand a decent chance of being deported. It's the Team Bush way of saying "thank you for your service," and, obviously, not much of a prize...but certainly an excellent example of wingnut philosophy in practice.
Um, congratulations...I guess.
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