Thursday, November 08, 2007

Giving the Surge Time

Just playing through...

Here's a surge that's "working," so to speak--the surge in homeless veterans:

More than 400 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have turned up homeless, and the Veterans Affairs Department and aid groups say they are bracing for a new surge in homeless veterans in the years ahead.

Experts who work with veterans say it often takes several years after leaving military service for veterans’ accumulating problems to push them into the streets. But some aid workers say the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans appear to be turning up sooner than the Vietnam veterans did.

Well, that's showing support for the troops, wingnuts.

And just wait till they start REALLY showing symptoms of PTSD...and actually, that's no joke. I've posted before about this, and no doubt will again at some point. If Tim McVeigh and John Allen Mohammed reacted so insanely to a relatively easy (emphasis on "relatively"--no war is genuinely easy)--anyway, if that's a reaction to Gulf War I, well, the sequel might well be an even greater horror story...

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