Monday, February 04, 2008

CEO Expense Account Preznit

Put it on the charge card:

Mr. Bush’s proposed budget, the first in the nation’s history to exceed $3 trillion, foresees near-record deficits just ahead -- $410 billion in the current fiscal year, on spending of $2.9 trillion, and $407 billion for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 -- before the budget would come into balance in 2012.

You know, it'd be nice if a journalist would, oh, I don't know, actually research and report on just where $515 billion dollars in "defense spending" (which doesn't include the actual costs of war in Iraq and Afghanistan) goes. I doubt seriously it's going solely to the troops; otherwise, they and their vehicles could afford titanium armor.

And I'll be interested to see how much of Shrub's budget is devoted to Gulf Coast recovery and/or coastal restoration.

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