Friday, February 08, 2008

"A Minor Alteration"

Despite the ultimate cynical manipulation: a sorry, sickening parody, a perverted, depraved "coalition of the willing," featuring Team Bush itself, their wingnut/neo-con brownshirts, a half-baked Democratic "opposition" that can barely wait for Dick Cheney to sneer before rolling over, and a slobbering media that couldn't or wouldn't even do basic research...despite all the usual suspects playing all the usual roles, a significant number of people get it: Iraq is an obscene waste of lives and money.


Off topic, but: it's depressing to see, for the second time in barely three months, my berg making the national news for the wrong reason. Meanwhile, there's been no break in the December double-homicide case.

Finally, to close on a less depressing note, this is the local political story of this election cycle...Casino wars. For the record, I'm voting "no," not because I'm anti-gambling (personally I don't, but I'm not bothered by those who do), but I think the new "resort" would take away from what's becoming an almost functional downtown, which has only taken some 30 years to re-achieve...

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