More evidence that the "Mississippi Miracle" was just the usual GOP scam while a drooling press corpse nodded and dutifully played stenographer for an exercise in myth building
From Rising Hegemon:
Prisons in Mississippi got coffee makers, pillowcases and dinnerware -- all intended for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
The state's Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks took more coffee makers, cleaning supplies and other items.
Plastic containers ended up with the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration.
Colleges, volunteer fire departments and other agencies received even more.
But the Mississippi hurricane victims who originally were intended to receive the supplies got nothing, a CNN investigation has found.
While it's nice that the press has FINALLY started to take a look at the mix and match of incomprehensible incompetence and sheer butt-ugly venality of the Bush adminstration, THREE YEARS after the fact is, to put it diplomatically, a little fucking late in the game, assholes. Your own drooling incompetence allowed Team Bush to write the narrative, i.e., "Mississippi Miracle," "Grandma Blanco in over her head," etc., etc.
Perhaps the most egregious example was/is nodding along and dutifully scribbling when Dana Perino--or whatever douchemook it was--averred that it "wasn't the time" to assess blame...even as Karl may-he-one-day-rot-in-hell-with-Jesse-Helms Rove spun like a top on crystal meth, and as it was stunningly clear that the fault lay with the Bush administration.
At this point, the facts hardly matter. The myth has been fed to and digested by a public that, thankfully, recognizes the taste and taint of Team Bush chickenshit. And I doubt they're in the mood for more from McCain.
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