Monday, March 30, 2009

They Tortured Because...They Liked It

Sometimes the simplest explanation makes the most sense: you had a somewhat dull dry-drunk and a power mad egomaniac, and, hmmm...ex smoker forced to drop the habit after suffering a heart attack (as a not quite reformed smoker myself, I can attest to feeling somewhat deprived at times.)

I wouldn't doubt for a second that if you add in the sort of ugly, swaggering hubris on constant display (e.g., their sick insistence on using 9/11 as a badge of honor as opposed to a mark of deep, deep shame), hell...I'd be mildly surprised if Dick, Dubya, Rummy, or any number of these fucks hadn't at one point or another ordered someone shot just so they could watch 'em die.

We don't know the half of it...or more.

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