Wednesday, February 05, 2014

From The Wolf Of Wall Street To The Whale of Weehawken?

From Album 5
As a regular viewer of The Rachel Maddow Show, I've been getting plenty of news about the GWB and associated Chris Christie scandals...and, is it just me, or would Jonah Hill be well cast as David Wildstein?

But who would  have the proper, um, weight -- and bombast --  to fill Chris Christies' Hmm...John Goodman, perhaps, though he's been looking a bit hang-dog lately. Jack Black? Russell Crowe? Sort of a dark horse, but if Patrick Warburton (and I had to look him up -- I just remembered the guy who played one of Elaine's boyfriends on Seinfeld) but if he let himself get as large as Steven Segal...maybe. He's got the attitude, if not the voice. Gérard Depardieu has the size...but...nah.

And of course you'd need a title. Hmmm...The Bridges of Madison County The Bridge of Bergen County? Well, possibly a working title...

Anyway...presumably tomorrow's post will be a bit more "normal," though thanks for letting me indulge my whim.

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