Wednesday, May 26, 2004

NY Times--OK, We've got SOME Egg on Our Face

The paper of record grudgingly acknowledges that mistakes were made in their reporting on WMD. A quick scan of their "apology" displays more about the mentality of the paper's management than anything. First, never admit a mistake without a preface bestowing all glory and praise upon the enterprise. Second, admit that the problem goes "beyond individual reporters" (read: Judith Miller)--but provide enough fog to allow those "beyond" time to, uh, cover their asses. Finally, use a lot of "perhaps we should of's" or "maybe we weren't rigorous enough's." And finally, open the door, invite some company in, and tell the world said company looks kind of eggy themselves.

If you can make it through the non-apology apology, check out a few of the legacy pieces they link to--because, among other things, they're free. You can't say that about much of the Times's archive. Keep a bucket handy.

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