Monday, May 09, 2005

One-Two Punch

Spent this afternoon working on a new anti-virus'd been set up last week by a couple of our new guys, but...

I was a new guy over here once, so I'm not going to holler.

The machine is now in place, properly set up, and ready to work--with one little exception. The Remote Access tool we use is considered by the latest and greatest version of Symantec to be a massive security threat.

IF it'd been installed surreptitiously, yeah, sure, it'd be awful. But the software is installed quite deliberately--it makes looking after over a hundred machines a hell of a lot easier. So...time to call Symantec.

(for the record, it's not just a matter of excluding a couple of folders and executables. The software installs a service, registry keys, .dll's, etc.--and ALL are quarantined right away, rendering it useless. Very fortunately, our existing anti-virus server still works well--we were actually being, um, pro-active in testing a replacement. We'll see what Norton can do to help us out).

Anyway, enough work woes. The one-two is the Krugman Rich pair of op-eds in the New York Times.

It's late over here, and chores await, but two things are worth noting--Rich's observation that Laura Bush's debut, as it were, occurred almost exactly two years after her husband, then the flight-suited ubermann, had his cock-of-the-walk moment in the sun...two years, and roughly 1300 dead US soldiers later (not to mention uncounted Iraqi casualties).

Krugman points out that all of us--well, most of us--are now obscenely rich, according to Bush's plan to "save" Social Security, which is the financial equivalent of "saving" Fallujah by blasting it to the Stone Age. "Hell hath no fury like a scammer foiled," is Krugman's beginning. That's right: Team Bush is pissed off because the public has taken a decided lack of interest in his brand of snake oil...

Both op-eds are worth a look.

Now, work at home awaits me...

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