Shrub's "bold initiative" in tonight's SOTU:
"America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world," he plans to say. "The best way to break this addiction is through technology."
Oil prices are inching toward $70 a barrel, and the president's goal of reducing dependence on foreign suppliers has been issued by the White House over the decades but never realized. Bush's primary proposal is to increase federal research into alternative fuels such as ethanol made from weeds or wood chips, instead of corn.
That's WEED"S", not weed, though Chimperor's probably more familiar with the latter. And no, Shrub, all that brush you're clearing won't light up the country.
Meanwhile, the pushers of all that oil we're addicted to still enjoy their $14 Billion Dollar tax breaks.
I guess some crime DOES pay.
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