I'm sure everyone stopping by here has already heard that kidnapped journalist Jill Carroll was released by her captors today--I can only imagine the elation her family and friends must feel to know she's safe.
But, wouldn't you know it, the wingnut crowd is all in a tizzy, apparently because she's either not sufficiently bloodthirsty with revenge fantasies, or worse, they now lack another excuse to slake their own bloodthirsty fantasies. And of course they took pains to deride Ms. Carroll for, quite sensibly, dressing modestly and wearing a hajib (which twin idiots Bernard McGuirk and Charles McCord misidentified as a "burka").
Hey, idiots: first, Carroll probably dressed this way before her kidnapping in order to be as inconspicuous as possible. It's not like Iraq is all that safe for ANYONE these days, particularly westerners. And her captors most likely provided her with similar clothing--after all, it's not like they were going to take her shopping, dingbats.
As for conspiracy "theories" as to her somehow being complicit in her own kidnapping? That speaks volumes: people who think this are truly batshit insane.
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