Link. How much more good news will it take?
Mohannad al-Azawi had just finished sprinkling food in his bird cages at his pet shop in south Baghdad, when three carloads of gunmen pulled up.
In front of a crowd, he was grabbed by his shirt and driven off.
Mr. Azawi was among the few Sunni Arabs on the block, and, according to witnesses, when a Shiite friend tried to intervene, a gunman stuck a pistol to his head and said, "You want us to blow your brains out, too?"
Mr. Azawi's body was found the next morning at a sewage treatment plant. A slight man who raised nightingales, he had been hogtied, drilled with power tools and shot.
The rest of the article is simply gut wrenching. Anyone with even the most miserly amount of empathy and compassion would be moved: Azawi was neither particularly religious nor partisan. He just wanted to run his little shop (a neighbor said he "was crazy about birds").
And now he's dead, at the age of twenty-seven.
Way to go, wingnuts.
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