Geez. I figured Ned Lamont would get tarred, feathered, and/or tattoo'ed with the mark of the Howard Dean Beast (and I wasn't THAT far off), but going all the way back to 1972/McGovern/Hippies, etc.? Jeez...
Who's obsessing? Not us, and I'm damn sick and tired of the idiot class who call themselves pundits--and their chickenhawk cohorts in the GOP--making feeble attempts to turn back the clock, as it were, and deny THE PRESENT, which is that THE CHENEY-BUSH-ROVE "policy," if it can even be dignified as such, is a massive, ugly, open sore.
This infinite regression into essentially retardation--with more than a bit of encouragement from the chattering class--would be more than a little pathetic IF it were mere navel gazing, but in the real world, where there are real issues, it's downright criminal. These days, of course, it's getting difficult to distinguish between "criminal" and "Team Bush Republican," but you'd think the mix and match of stupidity and arrogant, egotistical smarminess would generate enough of a stench to wake at least the brain dead.
But I guess they're ALL too worried about their grandkids' college funds...and, unlike the unwashed public, THEIR kids MUST go to "a good school," not the local State U., or, heaven's forbid, the community college. And I suppose, when they're not blathering about their now 40 YEAR obsession to prove that THEY were really the kewl kids--no, REALLY they were--they probably complain about how hard it is to get good help these days, with the INS and all...
HEY ASSHOLES--wanna obsess about what things were like 40 YEARS AGO? I'll link again to YRHT citation, and spell it out, REALLY SLOWLY:
Hardesty remembers Johnson reaching out to the thirsty crowds.
“People were in the shelter and he asked what they needed and they said, ‘We need water.’ He looked at the officials and said, ‘You have a Coca-Cola bottling plant here, don’t you?’ They said, ‘Yeah.’ He said, ‘You have a 7-Up bottling plant here, don’t you?’ They said, ‘Yeah.’ Then he said, ‘For God’s sake go out there get some soda and bring it back here.’”
Johnson returned to Washington, D.C., that same day and immediately called Robert Phillips, director of the Government Readiness Office of the Office of Emergency Planning, to begin the process of delivering aid and knocking down obstacles.
“We’ve got to cut out all the red tape,” Johnson said. “We’ve got to work around the clock. We’ve got to ignore hours. We’ve got to bear in mind that we exist for only one purpose and that’s to the greatest good for the greatest number.
“Bring to these people the kind of assistance they need in this emergency which is worthy of a great government and a great country.”
THAT was 40 years ago...today, the ones in charge can barely do more than dole out cash by the boatloads...but only for their political and business associates (emphasis on "ass"). Talk about regression.
If only they'd actually fade to nothing...like an old TV screen when you cut it off. For those who might be a little on the young side, on old televisions, the image would shrink and fade, eventually down to a dot...before disappearing entirely.
Now, THAT'D be progress.
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